Our approach to solving business problems is research intensive, process-driven, and collaborative — leading to decisions that drive growth.
We’re skilled in using world-class business and branding frameworks. For each project, we identify the frameworks that best fit with your needs. These templates are useful in framing the issues, structuring the thought process, and communicating the plan. Through a disciplined process led by an experienced team, we help you develop blueprints for success.
Frameworks include:
How You Will Win in the Marketplace
How You Wish to be Perceived in the Minds’ of Consumers
What, How, When, and Where You Communicate
The Face of the Brand
The Brand’s Non-Digital Look, Feel, and Say
This is where our process starts. Before we can create anything for you, we need to understand the elements that comprise your unique business. We assess the history, health, and purpose of your business, as well as exploring your industry, customers, and competition. We then take those learnings and use them to build a framework of goals and the strategies that will help you achieve them.
Our next step focuses on your brand. We work with your team to define the essence of your brand, starting with your Brand Story. Whether launching a new brand or refreshing an older one, we help craft a strong visual identity and voice for your business that separates you from the competition and becomes a foundation for everything you do.
Finally, we take the brand we’ve worked with you to define and bring it to life through a communication plan designed to reach your target market. From websites and social media to print, billboard, and broadcast ads, we create whatever is needed to address your branding and business needs. We also manage ad placement and analytics, building off everything we do to achieve even better results with each consecutive project.